Welcome to the City of Columbus Finance Report Database. This database contains all campaign finance reports filed with the city. It is designed to provide transparency in campaign finance reporting by campaign committees of Columbus municipal candidates and municipal ballot issues. These committees can create an account for a treasurer, manager, and/or user, to access their account, and enter and view financial reports.

A Notice of Exemption from Filing form may be filed as a substitute for a regular campaign finance report, if it meets statutory requirements.

Election Period Communication Reports are also submitted and viewed in this database, without the need to create an account.

Search Reports

Click on “Search Reports” to access a comprehensive search tool to retrieve, view campaign finance data.

Submit Election Period Communication Report

Click on “Election Period Communication Report”; you will not need to create an account to submit this report.

Contact Us
Telephone Number: (614) 645-7673
Email: [email protected]


If you already have an account with us, log into your account using the link above.

New User Registration

If you are a new user to the Campaign Finance reporting system and would like to upload your financials reports, then please create an account by clicking on the appropriate link below.

You will receive an email confirmation at the email address provided during registration. Use the link provided in the email to create your login credentials.

Note: You must use the email address that was originally designated as the contact email when the request form was submitted online.

Create an Account
© 2014 City of Columbus, Ohio